BAGeL Radio

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480 Minutes - Six Weeks Of Oughts Left

The second Friday in November (today) has historically been the cut-off for when we listen to new music for consideration for our year-end lists. Seeing as we have a couch full of unopened packages plus a playlist of 547 not yet reviewed songs, methinks we will have to extend that deadline by a week. Hopefully we will still be able to cobble together said year-end lists and put them all into a show on Friday, 12/11. That year-end show is always one of the most popular of the year, so pushing it to 12/18 when people may already be leaving for holiday vacations is something to avoid.

Speaking of new music, today 480 Minutes will debut songs by Alec Ounsworth (Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, Philadelphia, PA), Glenn Tilbrook (Squeeze, London, England), Julian Casablancas (The Strokes, New York, NY), Spiral Stairs (Pavement, Stockton, CA), Weezer (Los Angeles, CA), White Denim (Austin, TX), We All Have Hooks For Hands (Sioux Falls, SD), and Frightened Rabbit (Selkirk, Scotland). Let us know how you feel about the new stuff by sending feedback to

Please tune in today and every Friday to 480 Minutes between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

Bay Area Gig eList (upcoming shows of interest):

11/13 & 11/14 Cock Sparrer @ Great American
11/13 Pinback @ Bimbo's
11/14 Mountain Goats/ Final Fantasy @ The Fillmore
11/15 20 Minute Loop/ True Margrit/ Griddle @ Bottom of the Hill (1 p.m. BBQ show)
11/15 Russian Circles/ Young Widows/ Helms Alee @ Bottom of the Hill
11/18 Actionslacks/ Love Is Chemicals/ Ex-Boyfriends @ Bottom of the Hill
*11/19 The Hidden Cameras/ Gentlemen Reg @ Bottom of the Hill
11/19 & 11/20 Peter Bjorn and John @ Great American
11/19 Royksopp @ The Regency Grand
*11/21 Girls/ Tamaryn/ Dominant Legs @ Bottom of the Hill
11/21 Jaguares @ The Regency Grand
**11/22 Fanfarlo @ Popscene w/ guest DJs BAGeL Ted & Miles
11/24 Lilys @ Bottom of the Hill
11/25 Deastro @ Bottom of the Hill

**12/2 BAGeL Radio Presensts...
The Rumble @ Harlot

* = I'm there
** = I'm DJing

More Upcoming Shows at