BAGeL Radio

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Fuzzy Road - Episode #40

We have now uploaded more music-only playlists to Spotify.  Besides 10 "Top Songs By Year" playlists there are also a bunch of early Fuzzy Road playlists as well as a few recent ones.  You can find them all  here, or by navigating in Spotify to spotify:user:bagelradio.  Please let us know what you think of these playlists and of  Spotify in general.

The  Fuzzy Road radio show starts at 3 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, so please tune in for 90 minutes of live-hosted garage rock, psych rock, and shoegaze.  You can check out the album art above to see some of the music we'll be featuring today.

Fuzzy Road is rebroadcast twice -- on Tuesday nights at 11 p.m. ET, and on Wednesday during the overnight at 5 a.m. ET.

‪#‎garagerock‬ ‪#‎psychedelicrock‬ ‪#‎shoegaze‬ ‪#‎somafm‬ ‪#‎spotify