BAGeL Radio

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Fuzzy Road - Episode #38

Today's Fuzzy Road will include a slightly less than fuzzy song that we love that is in honor of Corduroy Appreciation Day.  For those of you who didn't get the memo, 11/11 is the day we celebrate "the king's cloth." Don't fret if you are not sporting any, you are welcome to celebrate the famed fabric just the same.

The Fuzzy Road radio show officially starts at 3 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, so please tune in for 90 minutes of live-hosted garage rock, psych rock, space rock, and shoegaze.

Fuzzy Road is rebroadcast twice -- on Tuesday nights at 11 p.m. ET, and on Wednesday during the overnight at 4 a.m. ET.

‪#‎garagerock‬ ‪#‎psychedelicrock‬ ‪#‎shoegaze‬ ‪#‎somafm‬ ‪#‎corduroyappreciationday