BAGeL Radio

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"480 Minutes" - 95.6%

In BAGeL Radio news, today will be 480 Minutes episode #43 of 2017. It's only week 45! 95.6%! It's been a banner year for Friday live broadcasts!

In less uplifting news, following this weeks elections, Sean Hannity spent 5 seconds of his hour-long show talking about those elections.  Like the "cheeseburger emoji controversy" that trumped the breaking "Manafort And Gates Arrested" news last week, FOX News insists on not reporting actual news.  These instances shed light on why it is that their viewers buy the notion that other news is "fake news" -- to them, reality is The Great Unknown.

And now Republican politicians are twisting themselves into knots defending former judge and current senate candidate ( senate candidate!) and always bible-thumping Roy Moore's right to lure a 14-year old girl to his lair, have her undress for him, and then manipulate the child into touching his erection.  Even if these allegations turn out to be false...the justifications (i.e. Mary was a teen and Joseph was an adult) will remain ignominious statements in support of predator pedophiles.

Today the award-winning  480 Minutes show today will feature new songs by Equinox (England, @SoundsOfEquinox),  Fever Ray (Stockholm, Sweden, @feverray ), Fits (Brooklyn, NY, @hahafits), Goat Girl (London, England), Naked Giants (Seattle, WA, @nakedgiants),  Spinning Coin (Glasgow, Scotland, @spinning_coin), and  Wild Beasts (Kendal, England, @WildBeasts).

The  480 Minutes program begins at 9 a.m. Eastern U.S. Time and is live-hosted until 5 p.m.
The show is rebroadcast in it's entirety on Friday evenings beginning at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Sundays at 1 a.m. ET.

Get in touch during the live-hosted show hours:

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Twitter: @bagelradio
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Tough act to follow:

  480 Minutes Season 13 Episode 43