BAGeL Radio

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480 Minutes - Chain Migration and the First In-Laws

The *President admitted to collusion by his campaign and in the process threw his own son under the bus. I don't think he meant to do that second part and it might just prove to be his final, fatal mistake when these crimes and their coverup are finally litigated.

He and his propaganda arm/policy advisors at Fox News have railed against illegal immigration and his administration has moved to cut even legal immigration. He has specifically railed against "chain migration" and yet this week his very own Slovenian in-laws used that most American mechanism (designed to unite families) to become U.S. citizens. Zero self-awareness.

He also doubled down on his Space Farce -- we don't have enough money for Social Security, Medicare for all, clean water for Michigan, rebuilding and protecting Puerto Rico, a living wage, infrastructure, or public schools, but by golly let's spend a few trillion on a crazy old man's fantasy, shall we?

A tape of Devin Nunes, the *President's number one stooge in congress, surfaced in which Nunes plainly admits to putting one man over party and party over country by playing politics with a Supreme Court nomination and protecting the *President from investigation at all costs including promising to impeach a public official for doing his job, but not right now because that might get in the way of the aforementioned Supreme Court nominee (who just happens to be on record in a recent court decision saying that Presidents should be able to ignore laws they don't like and shouldn't be investigated or sued while in office...hmmmmm) and also not look so good ahead of the midterm elections.

Finally, documents from the *President's now ignominiously disbanded "election fraud commission" were released and show that the whole thing was a sham attempt to prove the bullshit claim illegal voters costing his ego the popular vote. The commission was unable to find proof of widespread voter fraud, and “Academics at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the University of Pennsylvania found that Crosscheck [the system the commission was planning on promoting for nationwide use] produces false matches 99 percent of the time, and that for every fraudulent vote stopped, it would impede 2,000 eligible voters from casting a ballot. Yet Kobach [who failed in this endeavor and failed as Kansas Secretary of State yet just received the *President's "full and total Endorsement!" to become the next governor of Kansas] has called it a model for the nation.”

There may or may not be a set of songs entitled, "Religion Is No Bueno" during the course of today's program.

Oh what fun we have in the dumbass reality TV show formerly known as The United States of America.

Today's BAGeL Radio debuts will include new music today from  Basement Revolver (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, @BASEREVmusic), The Beths (Auckland, New Zealand, @lizstokedstokes), Mothers (Philadelphia, PA, @mothersband), P.H.F (Auckland, New Zealand), Slaves (Kent, England, @slaves),  So Many Wizards (Long Beach/Los Angeles, CA, @somanywizards), and  Thee Oh Sees (Los Angeles, CA), who are calling themselves Oh Sees now but I prefer Thee Oh Sees and changing the name of the band just screws up my play counts and shit so...sorry, John, I'm re-tagging these files and those from the previous record.

Lyric of the Week:
"He didn't learn from the error of his ways/And his days didn't count as he's counting down his days." - Slaves, "Cut And Run"
The show is live-hosted from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (probably more like 4 p.m. today) Eastern U.S. Time and is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music.  The show is then rebroadcast in it's entirety beginning at 7 p.m., then again on Saturday at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and one final time on Sunday at 1 a.m., followed by a rebroadcast of this week's  Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old  480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, so there will be hosted shows all weekend long.

Tune in!

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480 Minutes / Year 14 - Episode 31 / Episode #613 overall

*President supported by the relatively small percentage of Americans who are: pro-baby caging, down with Russia interfering with our midterm elections, believe that a guy who lies all the time doesn't lie to them, and want to stop non-white people from emigrating to (and thereby destroying) white America.