BAGeL Radio

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"480 Minutes" - Cruella DeVos' Yacht

The fact that Cruella DeVos, who owns multiple yachts including one worth $40M, is the person who gets to make the "tough decision" to cut funding from the Special Olympics is a pretty solid Marie Antoinette moment.

The fact that guy who auditioned for the job of keeping the president safe from the Mueller report by, 8 months prior to seeing the report, writing a 19-page memo concluding there was no collusion or obstruction, concluded there was no obstruction or collusion but won’t show us the report is a pretty solid coverup moment.

Meanwhile Congressional Republicans from Lindsey Graham to Mitch McConnell to Devin Nunes are towing the The Bigliest Liar's line and bashing anyone who ever suggested that campaign officials knowingly met with Russians intent on influencing the 2016 election. Those fellows will someday pay a price for enabling this dangerous, anti-American demagogue.

In actual fun news, this week we received our first release in a long time that features " Cookie Monster vocals" and it was good for a 30-second laugh before we moved on because...really?

Today's  480 Minutes show will feature new songs by Du Blonde (Newcastle, England, @DuBlondeTwitter), The Faint (Omaha, NE, @thefaint), The Foreign Resort (Copenhagen, Denmark, @foreignresort), Jenny Lewis (Los Angeles, CA, @jennylewis),  Karen O. and Danger Mouse (Yeah Yeah Gnarls, @kareno, @dangermousejuke), Plague Vendor (Whittier, CA, @plaguevendor),  Stephen Malkmus (Portland, OR, @malkmusandjicks), and White Denim (Austin, TX, @whitedenimmusic).

480 Minutes is live-hosted from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time and is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music.  The show is then rebroadcast in it's entirety beginning at 7 p.m., then again on Saturday at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and one final time on Sunday at 1 a.m., followed by a rebroadcast of this week's  Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old  480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, so there will be hosted shows all weekend long.

Tune in! ( or, if you have an Alexa, the command "Alexa, play SomaFM BAGeL Radio" works like a charm). SomaFM channels are also available on AppleTV, Roku, Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, Xbox, and home audio systems by Marantz, Denon, Pioneer, Naim, Bose, and others.

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours:
e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
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480 Minutes / Year 15 - Episode 11/642