"480 Minutes" - Be Good To Each Other
For people with critical thinking skills these are dark times. Please do what you can to make them a little less dark for those fellow critical thinkers you come into contact with.
Even a tiny little thing like pausing to hold a door for a stranger, who then says "thank you," will brighten both of your days. And if that stranger then holds the door for the next person, and that person gets an appreciative "thank you..."
STFU, I am not a goddamned dirty hippie. I cut my hair years ago.
480 Minutes show will feature new songs by
Cosmonauts (Los Angeles, CA, @__cosmonauts__),
Courtney Barnett (Melbourne, Australia, @CourtneyMelba),
Fat White Family (London, England, @FatWhiteFamilyTW),
Grace Ives (Queens, NY, @GraceIves),
Guided By Voices (Dayton, OH, @_GuidedByVoices),
Money For Rope (Melbourne, Australia, @MoneyForRope),
The Mountain Goats (@Mountain_Goats), and
Tacocat (Seattle, WA, @tacocats).
480 Minutes is live-hosted from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time and is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music. The show is then rebroadcast in it's entirety beginning at 7 p.m., then again on Saturday at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and one final time on Sunday at 1 a.m., followed by a rebroadcast of this week's
Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old
480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, so there will be hosted shows all weekend long.
Tune in! (somafm.com/bagel or, if you have an Alexa, the command "Alexa, play SomaFM BAGeL Radio" works like a charm). SomaFM channels are also available on many set top boxes and home audio systems.
Check out bagelconcertfinder.com to find cool live music in your area. You pick the town, the radius, and the results will help you find fun things to do while supporting up and coming independent bands.
Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours:
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with other listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com
480 Minutes / Year 15 - Episode 15/646