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"480 Minutes" - Captain Jared

** (Teditor's note: see below for how to join our chat room where you can hang out with fellow listeners from all over the world. we have a wonderful little community of dedicated music lovers who are all most interesting in many ways -- give it  try during today's live-hosted hours (9am-5pm ET) when the conversation is liveliest) **

Yesterday Governor Kemp of Georgia revealed staggering ignorance for a person in a position of such power saying, "Individuals could've been infecting people before they ever felt bad, but we didn't know that until the last 24 hours." I don't know about you, but I've been aware of this fact for several weeks, and I expect most Georgians (except the Fox-lobotomized, like their governor) have as well. Most unfortunately for Kemp, one can still find a transcript from a *January* Corona Task Force public briefing in which Dr. Fauci says, "It was not clear whether an asymptomatic person could transmit it to someone while they were asymptomatic. Now we know from a recent report from Germany that that is *absolutely* the case."

Kemp, in his previous position as GA Secretary of State, purged hundreds of thousands from the voting rolls leading up the the gubernatorial race, then "won" his contest for governor over Stacey Abrams, so it's no wonder that when Trump was asked about Kemp's inept excuse for finally issue a shelter-in-place order, Trump said he's a fine governor doing a fine job.

Personally I was most relieved to find out that First Son-in-Law Jared will now be taking point on the federal coronavirus response team. Captain Jared to the rescue!! Previous point person Pence has once again proved that when it comes to outbreaks his forté is to cause them and/or make them worse. Previous previous point person Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was so inept that the administration is slowly setting him up to take the blame for every mistake since the "blame Obama" tact has fallen mainly on deaf ears.  Jared had previously been too busy working on his grand Middle East peace plan (described by one Israel Policy Forum expert as "the Monty Python version of Israeli-Palestinian peace"), reorganizing the federal government, reforming the criminal justice system, solving the opioid crisis, being our intermediary with Mexico, liaison to China, and liaison to the Muslim community, amongst other jobs his famous father-in-law had already tasked him with. Along with those awesome responsibilities he also had to make sure his company did not default on the mortgage for the former New York Times building on West 43rd Street. He failed. Maybe he'll do better at his next assignment: captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.

When the son of a crooked millionaire who is also the son-in-law of a crooked fake billionaire can't pay the mortgage, it is time to consider that we all might be well and truly fucked. 

Today's show will be live-hosted from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. Time and feature new music by The Chats (Sunshine Coast, Australia, @thechatsband), Drakulas (Austin, TX, @drax_tx), FACS (Chicago, IL, @wearefacs),  Melkbelly, (Chicago, IL, @melkbelly), Sorry (London, England, @sorrybanduk), Ty Segall (Los Angeles, CA), and Why Bonnie (Austin, TX, @whybonniemusic).

The marathon 8-hour show is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music and is then rebroadcast in its entirety beginning at 7 p.m. Friday,  5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, and one final time at 1 a.m. on Sunday. That is followed by a rebroadcast of a  Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old  480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, making for hosted shows all weekend long.

Tune in and connect with listeners in the Slack chat room. Hanging out and talking with real humans in a virtual conference room is better than not hanging out and talking with other humans.

For help with remembering when the live-hosted shows and re-runs air, check out the program schedule (which you can import into your favorite calendar program!) embedded here:

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners:


480 Minutes / Year 16 - Episode 13/688