BAGeL Radio

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"480 Minutes" - What 32.9% Economic Contraction?

Yesterday we learned that the U.S. economy contracted a record 32.9% in the second quarter of 2020 and 1.43 million more Americans applied for unemployment benefits marking the 19th consecutive week in which more than a million jobless claims. The prior peak week, ever, was less than 700,000 such claims in 1982. Most probably didn't catch the bleak economic news, though, because the master media manipulator distracted us all with a shiny new outrage, suggesting that the election should be delayed.

He included "safety" as one of his concerns, which is ironic for the guy who pushed states to re-open prematurely ("LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!") and is now pushing even heard to force U.S. schools to reopen in full and in-person in a few weeks. It's not funny that #Cult45 can't do the math on that -- it's safe enough for kids and teachers and support staff to be in schools full-time, but it's not be safe for adults to go to polling places for one day? Three months from now?

By failing spectacularly to create and implement a plan to contain the spread of the virus (as competent world leaders did), and instead hosting daily televised disinformation-filled self-aggrandizement sessions, #PresidentNobodyLikesMe is directly responsible (whether he wants the responsibility or not) for many of the 150k and counting dead Americans.  Further irony: his failures have basically *necessitated* the increased mail-in voting that he is so afraid of. As Radiohead once said, "You do it to yourself, you do/Just you and no one else."

Meanwhile a Fox News personality Andrew Napolitano  condemned the Barr Gestapo for trying to crush dissent in Portland, OR, calling them out for employing a type of tear gas so terrible it is banned during wartime, and concluding, "Only a government hateful or fearful of the people it claims to serve uses force to silence them."

Napolitano's words expose the conspicuously silent gun fetishists who previously claimed to need their weapons of mass murder "to protect us all from government tyranny" as 100% full of shit.

Today's show will be live-hosted from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. Time and feature new music by  Crack Cloud (Vancouver, Canada),  David Newton and Thee Mighty Angels (Pioneertown, CA, @theemightyangel), Eyedress (Los Angeles, CA, @eyedress), Fontaines D.C. (Dublin, Ireland, @fontainesdublin),  I Like Trains (Leeds, England, @iLiKETRAiNS),  Plague Vendor (Whittier, CA, @plaguevendor),  Protomartyr (Detroit, MI, @protomartyrband), The Psychedelic Furs (London, England, @pfurs), and Yard Act (Leeds, England, @YardActBand).

The marathon 8-hour show is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music and is then rebroadcast in its entirety beginning at 7 p.m. Friday,  5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, and one last time at 1 a.m. on Sunday. That is followed by a rebroadcast of this week's live-hosted psych and garage rock  Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m., then a couple of old  480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, making for hosted shows all weekend long.

Tune in and chat with other members of our little outlier community on  Slack. Hanging out and yakking it up with real humans in a virtual conference room is (usually, and especially these isolating times) better than not hanging out and yakking it up with other humans.

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule, which you can import into your favorite calendar program, embedded here:

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
e-mail: ted(at)
Twitter: @bagelradio (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners:


480 Minutes / Year 16 - Episode 29/704