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“480 Minutes” - MAGANON

If you or anyone you know is considering voting Republican in 2022, please read this piece about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), aka Nationalist Christians, aka Nat-Cs.

This theocratic/autocratic movement goes far beyond a minority party attempting to rule by any means necessary with both the witting & unwitting help of a defanged corporate media more concerned with continued access than reporting facts. If you consume mainstream news only you might not know that there was an attempted coup in 2020 & that said attempt is ongoing. Somehow the networks continue to present the GOP, which literally (and not in the millennial use of that word) has no party platform, as a legitimate, good-faith political party. It is a cult of personality driven by a craven criminal incapable of telling the truth or thinking about anything outside of the lens of how things affect him personally.

The media talks about inflation, uncritically repeats GOP nonsense that it’s all Democrats fault, then talks about global inflation yet fails to make the very important & obvious connection — this is a global problem that will require global cooperation to overcome, & the only prescription presented by Republican is the Palin-era non-starter, “Drill baby, drill!”

Even on the supposedly left-leaning MSNBC they say things like, “If Republicans take back the House of Representatives they will be less sympathetic towards the DOJ investigation into January 6th.” Less sympathetic?! The ones already in congress have been actively trying to undermine any & all investigations into those crimes. The crazy MAGA candidates that would give them a majority will not just block the investigation they will invert it to go after the investigators & Democrats & Antifa & Bigfoot. By stating things so safely, as to not offend Republicans, they end up misinforming their viewers by conveying a dangerous distortion of reality.

Tiptoeing around in-plain-sight-efforts to undermine democracy contributes to the undermining of democracy.

Forget about Mitch “I changed the rules on you but don’t change the rules on me or I’ll use them against you when I’m in power again” McConnell…it’s worse than you know.

The NAR are well-funded theocrats who claim to have a mandate from their god to seize control of all aspects of society including business, government, family, religion, media, education, & entertainment. Seriously. These (actual faith-healer) charlatans are openly hostile to representative democracy, freedom of religion, equality, & anything related to social justice. It’s about as un-American a platform as one could cobble together, yet it has reached terrifyingly high positions of power within the US government.

*Below please find a list & links (compiled by a friend) of meaningful stuff we can do before November 8th to protect this country from the wannabe theocrats using wannabe autocrats & their armies of Fox-lobotomized foot soldiers to roll back women & girls' right to control their own bodies & lives, to roll back voting rights, to prevent trans people from being themselves. These people aren’t just trying to undo the past 60 years of social progress, they want to undo the American experiment on terms in direct contradiction of many of the founding principles of this country.

Again…please read this, then consider it in the context of the the US in 2022, specifically with regard to the insurrection, the hijacked Supreme Court, the full-on effort to undermine faith in elections & institutions, forced birth, opposing even the most obvious public safety gun sanity laws & climate mitigation efforts, & of course in the context of MAGANON. Thank you.

Today during our marathon live-hosted 480 Minutes program which runs from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. time we will debut new music by Archers of Loaf (Chappel Hill, NC, @TeamLoaf), Brutus (Leuven, Belgium, @WeAreBrutus), Detroit Rebellion (Providence, RI, @DetroitRebellion), Gilla Band (Dublin, Ireland, @GillaBand), & SICKY (Shropshire, England, @SickyB).

Sadly the new Sports Team record arrived w/o metadata. Their radio promo company ignored my request for tagged files. Hopefully their label will come through.

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See this product in the original post

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*Things to do as the midterm elections approach:

480 Minutes / 2022 Episode 39/Overall Episode 806