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“480 Minutes” - Toldjaso

As The Hives once said, I hate to say I told you so, but when billionaire Fox News fan John Malone took control of CNN a certain radio host stated unequivocally that CNN was becoming Fox Lite. They fired their most respected journalist, Brian Stelter, & slowly replaced credible, accredited experts with know-nothing counterfactual hate parrot #RWNJs. Still, friends & family refused to believe the warning.

This week CNN hosted a 70-minute “town hall” for the twice impeached disgraced ex-president just after he had been found guilty by a jury of his peers of sexual abuse & defamation of a woman. The invited him to further defame her & stocked the audience with morons who cheered him on as he disparaged his victim. He said, “I don’t know who that woman is” & in the same breath shared with the world that he knew the name of her pet.

In the U.S. we have seemingly daily mass shootings & uncover anti-democratic plots inspired/committed by the autocratic white supremacist movement of which Trump (“stand back & stand by”) is the Grand Wizard yet CNN decided, “sure, let’s normalize that movement while amplifying its pernicious lies & propaganda.” Even Anderson Cooper, usually a voice of reason at the network, crashed & burned in trying to frame the outpouring of disgust at his employer as somehow a fault of the disgusted, while Dana Bash in her defense of her employer actually admitted that they’d helped the Trump toxin spread beyond the far right fringes & into millions of American homes & minds. CNN has dropped the facade & revealed that is now #TheInsurrectionistNetwork.

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a pat on the back text from an elderly Florida relative saying, “Months ago you told me not to watch CNN” (my warning to folks was that if they continued to watch CNN they should do so with the skepticism they might employ while watching Fox News). Sometimes being right sucks.

Meanwhile the Gileadabama legislature is preparing to vote on whether pregnant people should be charged with murder if they fail to produce a live birth.

And so it goes.

Today’s marathon live-hosted 480 Minutes program runs from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. time will debut new music by Grian Chatten (Fontaines, DC, @GrianChatten), The Courettes (Denmark/Brazil, @TheCourettes), The High Water Marks (Grøa, Norway, @TheHWMs), The National (Brooklyn, NY, @TheNational), Nick & June (Nuremberg, Germany, @NickAndJune), & Olivia Jean (Nashville, TN, @OliviaJeanMusic).

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480 Minutes / 2023 Episode 17/Overall Episode 830