BAGeL Radio

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"480 Minutes" - 2/9/07 - New Bloc Party (album)

First of all thanks to all of you who braved the storms last night and ventured out to Bottom of the Hill for the BAGeL Radio 4th Birthday Party, and that includes the bands, the staff, the videographers, and the folks from La La who webcasted, and are now streaming, the show. My photos (not my best work) are now online -- here's hoping others did a better job than I.

It's been a crazy week, what with the birthday party, the inaugural episode of The Krissy Show, the return of Absolutely Kosher Cory, and the loss of our longtime furry friend, Aikea. Mixed in with all of the good stuff that went on this week, there was much sadness due to her passing. How is it that subservient quadrapeds can engender such devotion from humans?

Today's program will feature a ticket giveaway for next Friday's (2/16) Rob Crow show at show at Mezzanine. Listen closely, particularly in the later in the show when many of the East Coasters have gone home for the weekend, and the Europeans are just getting home from a wild night out -- that's likely when the tickets will be awarded. If you can't wait to win tickets, well then, just buy them here right now!

New music today will include the aforementioned new Bloc Party album, Teddybears, Bear Colony, Mother Mother, M. Ward, David Vandervelde, and new Get Set Go (of "Ordinary World" fame).

As you may have heard, besides streaming through Live365 and iTunes, BAGeL Radio is now also streaming through La La. Next time you launch the stream and get the dreaded "this station is currently full" message, point your browser to, click the triangle next to BAGeL Radio to listen through their adorable, unobtrusive little player with song information and album art!

Please tune in for "480 Minutes" today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time and request songs and stuff via:

Yahoo IM: bagelradio
AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive
MSN Msgr:

Recent Gig Photos:

BAGeL Radio 4th Birthday Party
@ Bottom of the Hill, SF, CA. 2/8/07


Division Day

Two Seconds

Upcoming Bay Area Gigs of Interest:

Peter James/ Sarah Shannon (Velocity Girl) @ Make-Out Room 2/9 (early happy hour show)
Stellastarr*/Monsters Are Waiting/ Minipop @ Bottom of the Hill 2/10
Buildings Breeding/ Jake Mann/ Payam Bavafa (Sholi) @ Make-Out Room 2/11
**Rob Crow/ The Jade Shader/ Black Fiction @ Mezzanine 2/16
Cold War Kids/ Delta Spirit @ Great American 2/23
BAGeL Radio Hosts Noise Pop Happy Hour @ Thee Parkside 2/28
Sebadoh (original line up!) @ Great American (Noise Pop) 2/28
The Mountain Goats @ The Independent 3/7 & 3/8
The Mountain Goats @ Bottom of the Hill (all ages show) 3/9
Asteroid #4/ Mellow Drunk @ Make-Out Room 3/9