BAGeL Radio

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Jury Duty

Sorry for the relative silence here this week but I am on jury duty. I have been told that we will have this Friday off, so the 2/16 "480 Minutes" should not be affected, but there is a chance I will be all "SF Legal" on Friday 2/23. I wonder, if that is the case, should I create a playlist in advance? Should I re-broadcast a recent "48o Minutes?" Should I re-broadcast a years-old "480 Minutes?" What do you think?

Anyway, please tune in for Beeddub's Spacerock Continuum today at 4pm Pacific Time and then again at 10pm, and tomorrow (Thursday 2/15) for The Krissy Show at 4pm Pacific Time and then again at 10pm.

No matter what happens with the jury duty, I will be DJing the Rob Crow show at Mezzanine (see flier above) this Friday 2/16. Buy tickets here.

Rob Crow
The Jade Shader
Black Fiction
Friday, February 16th, 2007
9 pm doors, 21+ please
@ Mezzanine 444 Jessie Street San Francisco 415-625-8880

PS -- Happy Valentine's Day!