Wednesday Happy Hour

BAGeL Radio Presents...Wednesday morning is when you tell your boss that you have a dentist appointment in the late afternoon and you need to leave work at 4. Then you head down to Thee Parkside to down some tooth-cleansing alcohol and hear some soul-cleansing music.
A Noise Pop Happy Hour @ Thee Parkside
with The Otherside, Peloton, and The Union Trade
Wednesday February 28th, 2007
free admission, drink specials, EARLY show (5pm)
Many of you have to be at work early on weekdays, so you can't generally go see shows on weeknights. This one is an exception: it will be over by 8 at the latest, so you can come out, party, see friends (everyone is using the dentist trick, so co-ordinate with co-workers!), see three bands, get home, shower, make popcorn, and curl up on the couch for the latest episode of LOST. And if you've never watched LOST while buzzed, well, you have never truly watched LOST.
PS-There will be no Absolutely Kosher Cory Show today, but be sure to tune in for all-new editions of Beedub's Spacerock Continuum Wednesday at 4pm Pacific Time (replayed at 10), and The Krissy Show Thursday at 4pm (replayed at 10). Cory will return next Tuesday, March 6th, at 10am (replayed at 10).
*the photos in this post are press photos, sadly I cannot take credit for them!