"480 Minutes" - Treasure Island Tickets!

Today is the day we award those Treasure Island Music Festival 2009 tickets between 12 and 12:30 p.m. Pacific Time. If you entered to win during one or more recent episodes of the award-winning 480 Minutes program, make sure to tune in then to find out if you've won.

Today on BAGeL Radio look for new songs by The Big Pink (London, England), Echo & The Bunnymen (Manchester, England), Final Spins (Seattle, WA), Girls (San Francisco, CA), Islands (Montreal, Canada), Lou Barlow (Los Angeles/Sebadoh/ Dinosaur Jr.), Monsters Of Folk (Omaha, NE), Owen (Chicago, IL), Panther (Portland OR), The Raveonettes (NY & LA), Rykarda Parasol (San Francisco, CA), Scotland Yard Gospel Choir (Chicago, IL), Silver Starling (Montreal, Canada), and Sissy Wish (Bergen, Norway). As always, we'd love to hear your feedback on the latest playlist additions and everything else about the station. Write to us at feedback@bagelradio.com.

Please tune in today and every Friday to 480 Minutes between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

Bay Area Gig eList (upcoming shows of interest): http://bagelradio.com/shows

*9/26 Birdmonster/ A, B, & The Sea @ Bottom of the Hill (afternoon benefit show for new Potrero Hill Library, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.)

9/26 !!!/ Indian Jewelry @ The Independent
9/27 Darker My Love @ Bottom of the Hill
9/27 Sondre Lerche @ Great American
9/28 Dead Meadow/ Spindrift @ Great American
9/30 Ida Maria/ Ladyhawke @ The Fillmore

10/2 & 10/3 Hardly Strictly Bluegrass @ Golden Gate Park
10/2 Asobi Seksu/ Loney Dear @ Slim's
*10/3 The Horrors/ Japanese Motors @ The Independent
10/3 Loquat/ Mike Snow/ Jack Penate @ Bottom of the Hill
10/4 Jolie Holland/ Michael Hurley
10/5 Fever Ray @ The Regency Grand
10/5 & 10/6 Billy Bragg @ Great American
10/6 School Of Seven Bells/ Magic Wands @ Slim'

**10/7 BAGeL Radio Presensts...
The Rumble @ Harlot

* = I'm there
** = I'm DJing

# = win tickets during "480 Minutes"

For venue information, please visit the Music Links page.

Note: Gig Journal entries (view archive) are now posted on the BAGeL Radio Blog.

More Upcoming Shows at http://bagelradio.com/shows

BAGeL Radio Airplay/CMJ Charts


BAGeL Radio Airplay/CMJ Charts