Whose Side Is The RIAA On?

This is a question that I ask myself every so often when the RIAA does things that are so obviously in the best interests of no one…like this:

A site that streams archived decades-old historical radio shows is under attack by the RIAA.

While I'm at it, I haven't posted one of these "who is running things and what are they thinking?" photos in a while, so here is how a label submitted an EP this week:

Yes, that is a single CD ($) in a slim CD case, in packaging ($) that could have easily held a dozen or more* ($$) full-sized jewel cases, sent via FedEx ($$), to a radio station which has been requesting digital servicing for years (saves product, packaging, postage, and labor costs)...but who cares, right?  All that wasted ($) is coming out of the artist's share.

*No, that is not hyperbole, yes, I did try this at home:

Time to bust out ye olde #RIAAsucks hashtags, folks, those guy are once again attempting to make the world a shittier place to be.

Addendum (7/17/14 10:28 p.m.) -- The record is something one might hear at a dance club on Ibiza, not on BAGeL Radio.  Thanks, label, for thinking of us.  I bet the poor artist thanks you, too, for wasting so much of his money for no reason.  I wonder how many more stations who don't play music anything like this received the same package…?

"480 Minutes" - Honeyblood/Muffs


Fuzzy Road (Psych & Garage Rock Show) - Episode 23