"480 Minutes" - Bill Pullman Day

Yes, there will be a live-hosted 480 Minutes show even though today is actually a national holiday in the U.S. (so overseas listeners, please tune in and keep me company as most of our American listeners will not be at the office listening), the official observance of Independence Day.  The 4th of July, celebrated on The 3rd of July -- this is the Bizarro World the United States has become.

Growing up in the 70s I just assumed that, by the year 2000 (which seemed like an impossibly distant future) we'd be racism-, segregation-, Nuclear-, lying politician-, and religious fanatic-free.  This massive FAIL of my prognostication skills has more than a little to do with my lack of optimism from time to time.

I remain optimistic that art will continue to thrive, and if you do too, please make sure to support the arts by going to shows, movies, live music events, and buying merch.  These days it's easy to stay home and watch Dukes of Hazzard reruns TV and not experience the world in person.  Speaking of supporting art, if you are someone who likes musicals, please consider checking out our friend Whit's KickStarter campaign.  For your donation, your name will be spoken in the film, a neat way to say thanks to the folks who helped fund the project.

Today's all-new 480 Minutes show will feature new music by Bernard + Edith (Manchester, England, @bernardvedith), Ezra Furman (Chicago, IL, @ezrafurman), Jeen (Canada, @jeen_obrien), Lael Neale (Los Angeles, CA, @laelneale),  Renny Wilson (Edmonton, Canada, @RennyWilson), Vukovar (St. Helens, England, @VukovarUK), Westkust (Gothenburg, Sweden, @WestkustBand), and White Reaper (Louisville, KY, @whitereaperusa).

Tune in to BAGeL Radio on Fridays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time for the award-winning, live-hosted 480 Minutes program.  The show is rebroadcast Friday evenings at 7 p.m., Saturdays 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Sundays at 1 a.m. ET.


Get in contact during the hosted show:
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
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AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive
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Fuzzy Road - Episode #62