"480 Minutes" - BAGeL Radio Top Music of 2015

We made it!  It's the year-end top music show!

Tune in to BAGeL Radio today to hear our top 200 songs of 2015 -- today's playlist will be all 2015 music all day (save a few things that were released too late in 2014 to make our previous year-end lists!).

As always our Top Songs of the year countdown will begin with song #50 at 10 a.m., and the rest of the show will consist of our 150 or so other favorite songs of the year.

This is your chance to catch up on 2015 in one day!

This show is always entertaining and always full of holiday gift ideas.  It's the show that proves to newcomers that BAGeL Radio will be their main source for new music in years to come (if we don't have to shut it all down due to the new royalty rates).

The show runs from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time as the unmanned portion of the show will stretch to from 2 to 4 hours in order to accommodate the massive playlist of amazing 2015 music. Yes, this show will be about 12 hours long!

Text lists of the top 100 songs and top 100 albums will be published to our site and to our Facebook page over the weekend, along with a list of our favorite cover versions of the year.

e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Yahoo IM/GoogleTalk: bagelradio
AOL/iChat: bagelradiolive

The program will be rebroadcast tonight starting around 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and twice on Saturday 12/18 (9 a.m. and 9 p.m.).

This year the process of checking play counts, reviewing, weighting, playlisting, re-weighting, starting all over again was not nearly as stressful as in previous years.  That said, as usual there will be omissions, and we know you will point them out to us in the comments!

Finally sharing the best music of the year with you is the most fun we have all year.  Tune in!
episode 2015.45

BAGeL Radio's Top Music of 2015


Fuzzy Road - Episode #82