Fuzzy Road - Episode #80

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It's the first week of December and all we've listened to (intentionally, anyway) has been The Beatles for almost a full week.  It's been glorious. 

With that in mind it should come as no surprise that today's Fuzzy Road radio show will feature a Beatles song or three.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to pare oneself down to three Beatles songs out of the 83 that we limited ourselves to this week?  It's about as difficult as understanding how anyone can still take Ted Cruz seriously after he suggested that the murderer who shot up a Planned Parenthood in Colorado last week is a transgendered liberal activist.  The same man who handed out anti-Obama literature to his neighbors and said, "No more baby parts!" during his arrest).  I wonder if Cruz, Fiorina, Trump, et al even understand the damage they are doing to the country with their bald-faced lies.

But I digress.

This latest 2-hour long installment of the Fuzzy Road radio show will feature music by The Beatles (duh!), Kurt Vile, Dukes of Stratosphear, The Growlers, The Fall, and more (Beatles).

Besides all of the great music your host got zero sleep last night, so that's sure to be entertaining.  For the listeners.

The Beatles final photo shoot, August 1969
Might this be the best Fuzzy to date?  It might, rabbit, it might.  Tune in at 2:50 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time to find out, and/or check out a rebroadcast beginning at 10:50 p.m. Tuesday and 4:50 a.m. Wednesday -- tune in for Fuzzy #80, it's going to be great.

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BAGeL Radio Airplay Charts


Planned Rerun (Thanksgiving)