BAGeL Radio

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Fuzzy Road - Episode #83 (aka 2nd to last)

It's officially winter yet temperatures in NYC are in the upper 50s, birds are chirping, squirrels are still out and about (although they seem to be moving more slowly probably due to the extra month of pre-winter gorging) -- it's all so very confusing.

What's also confusing is the state of independent internet radio -- for the past several years we (BAGeL Radio/SomaFM) have been operating under a licensing deal called the Small Webcasters Agreement.  Said agreement, without which we would have been unable to operate, is set to end this month and there is no sign that the powers that be plan to extend the agreement.  No extension means that, when it expires, we will have to start blocking our streams to U.S. listeners.  We are devastated about this and are looking into working this out either directly with SoundExchange or through other means.  That said, with such a short time-frame, we don't want to spread false hope.  In other words, get your listening in to your favorite independent internet radio stations this week, because in 10 days they may cease to exist -- at least as far as U.S. listeners are concerned.

In better news, there's an all-new  Fuzzy Road radio show starting at 2:50 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time today and another one next Tuesday, December 29th.  These will certainly be our final live-hosted programs of 2015, so please tune in for your weekly fix of psych and garage rock.  Hopefully we will be back wit more Fuzzy in 2016, and more Friday marathon episodes of 480 Minutes, but for right now (to quote the Magic 8-Ball): outlook not so good.

Today's show will feature The Pretty Things (pictured), The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Lyons & Malone, New Electric Ride, Beep Beep and The Roadrunners, Jeff The Brotherhood, and more.

The Pretty Things
The show is live-hosted on Tuesday afternoons, with re-broadcasts beginning at 10:50 p.m. Tuesday and 4:50 a.m. Wednesday -- don't miss  Fuzzy #83.

#‎garagepunk #‎psychrock