Fuzzy Road #123 - ABC Fuzz Z

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Today's Fuzzy Road radio show had an extra week to stew due to last week's migraine headache.  Hopefully it is not pickled.  Or maybe hopefully it is pickled...we shall see.

Our Tuesday psych and garage rock specialty show runs from 3pm-5pm Eastern U.S. Time, and today will feature songs by The Wytches, Curiosity Shoppe, Desert Mountain Tribe, Neal Ford and The Fanatics , White Reaper, The Novas (pictured), and more.

The Novas
The Fuzzy Road radio show is live-hosted on Tuesday afternoons, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11pm Tuesday5am Wednesday, and now 11am Sunday as well (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy Road #123 - ABC Fuzz Z.

#‎garagepunk #‎psychrock

480 Minutes - He Meant Cat


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