Fuzzy Road #132 - Final Fuzz (of 2016)

©  stevechapmanphoto.com
Today's live-hosted Fuzzy Road radio show is our last of 2016 -- it's not our fault, we've run out of Tuesdays!  Still not sure about hosting a 480 Minutes this Friday, New Years Eve Eve, but will let you know whether it will be all-new or a re-run at bagelradio.com and on our Facebook page.

Today's Fuzzy Road radio show will include garage punk, psychedelic rock, shoegaze...the usual mind-fuzzing substances.


Our Tuesday psych and garage rock specialty show runs from 3pm-5pm Eastern U.S. Time, and today will feature songs by The Wytches, The Barbarians, The Kills, The Uniques (pictured), Turn To Crime, and more.

The Uniques
The Fuzzy Road radio show is live-hosted on Tuesday afternoons, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11pm Tuesday, 5am Wednesday, and 11am Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy Road #132 - Final Fuzz (of 2016).

#‎garagepunk #‎psychrock

Planned Rerun -- Happy New Year!


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