Fuzzy Road #169 - Not Like Any Other Fuzz

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The Fuzzy Road radio show is not like any other radio show.  That's due in part to it's -- shall we say unique -- host, and also due to the fuzzily broad definition of what music moseys down the Fuzzy Road and which is left by the wayside.  When we figure out what that all means we'll let you know.

This edition of BAGeL Radio's Tuesday live-hosted psych rock and garage punk show will feature fuzzy tunes by Ausmutants, Deep Purple, Parquet Courts, T. Rex (pictured), Ghost Wave, and more.

T. Rex
The Fuzzy Road radio show is live-hosted on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday, 5 a.m. Wednesday, and 11 a.m. Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy Road #169 - Not Like Any Other Fuzz.

#garagepunk #psychrock

"480 Minutes" - I Know What I'm Getting Into


BAGeL Radio Air Play Charts