"480 Minutes" - BAGeL Radio Top Music of 2017

Hopefully FCC Chair Ajit Pai and his friends at Verizon and The Daily Caller are too busy celebrating their great victory to be bothered to block our stream. Their gift to the mega-profitable highly-despised telecoms in the form of the FCC's attempt to repeal Net Neutrality rules is poison to an even higher percentage of Americans than the GOP tax scam.  It will be interesting to see if Republicans move ahead with both very unpopular moves, and if so, if it will cost them at the polls.  Giving Verizon, Spectrum, Comcast et al more power over what we can access over the internet is a tough sell, especially when the right wing disinformation apparatus is more focused on trying to smear as a traitor one Robert Mueller, a former U.S. rifle platoon Commander honored for his service in Vietnam with, amongst others, the Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V", Purple Heart Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals with Combat "V", Combat Action Ribbon, and National Defense Service Medal.

Tune in to BAGeL Radio today to hear our top 200 songs of 2017 -- today's playlist will be all 2017 music all day.

We're trying new timing: our Top Songs of the year countdown will begin with song #50 at 11 a.m. ET instead of 10 a.m.  We should reach the top 10 around 1:30 p.m. and finish up just after 2:00 p.m., and the rest of the show will consist of our 150 or so other favorite songs of the year including a set of our favorite cover versions of 2017.

The year-end best-of show is extended to a 12-hour run-time, no requests are taken, and the rebroadcasts will begin 2 hours later than usual.

Your chance to catch up on 2017 in one day is here!

This show is will be full of holiday gift ideas for the music lovers in your life.  This show annually convinces newcomers that BAGeL Radio will be their main source for new music in years to come, and reminds everyone else that so much good music released this year that some of it slipped their minds (including mine!).

The show runs from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time as the un-hosted portion stretches to 4 hours (from the regular 2) in order to accommodate the massive playlist of outstanding 2017 releases.

Our top 100 songs and top 100 albums lists will be published to our site and to our Facebook page after the show.  Feel free to leave your lists in the comments. To view our past lists, visit this page.

Get in touch during the live-hosted show hours:
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
Yahoo IM/GoogleTalk: bagelradio
Apple Messages: bagelradiolive

chat with other listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com

The show  will be rebroadcast tonight (Friday) starting around 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, and twice on Saturday 12/16 (9 a.m. and 9 p.m.).  The Fuzzy Road rerun will start at 9 a.m. on Sunday, followed at 11 a.m. by the first of two year-end/best-of editions of 480 Minutes from previous years.

The process of pouring over play counts, reviewing, weighting, playlisting, re-weighting, starting all over again, and checking everything twice went relatively smoothly until listeners started sending in their lists, reminding me of things I'd glossed over (thanks a lot, guys!).  Regardless of how thorough I've been, there are always oversights and omissions, and I have no doubt that those will be pointed out! 

Hopefully the show will remind you of and/or introduce you to artist you are inspired to delve into more deeply.  Sharing with you the best music of the year is so much fun that it kinda makes it worth all of the work! Tune in!

480 Minutes Season 13 Episode 47

BAGeL Radio's Top Music of 2017 - Listed


BAGeL Radio Air Play Charts