Fuzzy Road #202 - Fuzzy Rawk

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Today's edition of our psych and garage rock Fuzzy Road radio show will feature psychedelic rock and garage rock. Duh!

Specifically the show will feature fuzzy tunes by Queens of the Stone Age, The Kinks, Spider Bags, Iggy and The Stooges (pictured), The Holydrug Couple, and more. This will likely be a particularly rocking edition of the program.

Iggy and the Stooges
The Fuzzy Road radio show is live-hosted on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday, 5 a.m. Wednesday, and 11 a.m. Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy Road #202 - Fuzzy Rawk.

480 Minutes - The Dead Did Not Die


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