Fuzzy Road #205 - The Fuzzy and the Furious

©  stevechapmanphoto.com
Many people I know are seething this week after the confirmation to the Supreme Court of a nakedly partisan hothead.  Even the ABA and an association representing 45 million American Christians (neither of which can remotely be characterized as liberal) were ultimately against the nominee. The fact that the so-called President and top congressional Republicans have spent the past week making baseless accusations about a conspiracy involving George Soros and "paid" protesters -- the kind of baseless claims normally left on the fringes of political "thought" -- is most concerning. Whether or not these charlatans believe their own bullshit, millions of Fox News watchers do, and this makes it impossible to have a rational discussion across the aisle. I too am also seething.   I am trying to keep my rage from affecting those around me. We'll see how I do when there is a microphone in my face.

Today's edition of our *live-hosted* psych and garage rock Fuzzy Road radio show will feature fuzzy tunes by Shannon and the Clams, Family, Black Mountain, We The People (pictured), Damaged Bug, and more.

We The People
The Fuzzy Road radio show is *live-hosted* on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday, 5 a.m. Wednesday, and 11 a.m. Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy Road #205 - The Fuzzy and the Furious.


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