Fuzzy #237 - Fonda Fuzz

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Our live-hosted Tuesday psych and garage rock special the Fuzzy Road radio show will today feature fuzzy tunes by Thee Oh Sees, Hendrix, The Horrors, The Californians (pictured), Spacemen 3, plus a set of songs dedicated to the dearly departed counter-culture icon Peter Fonda.

The Californians
The Fuzzy Road radio show is *live-hosted* on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday, 5 a.m. Wednesday, and 11 a.m. Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- Fuzzy #237 - Fonda Fuzz.

Peter Fonda in Easy Rider


"480 Minutes" - Dummy Turns 25


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