"480 Minutes" - Democracy Down

Did you hear the news? 63 million Americans voted a candidate who lied obviously and constantly, mocked a disabled reporter, and has done more of the same and worse since. Meanwhile across the pond the British voted for a similar "leader," a man who cares about nothing, born of privilege, who failed upwards into the highest office in the land on a platform of lies so blatant that even Burger King's ad executives mocked it.

Just yesterday at a White House event the so-called President announced that he was having a very busy day -- having already tweeted 95 times by noon. Which part of that is worse? That he had nothing better to do, or that he just flat out lied about how busy he was with ample evidence to the contrary? Or is it that he gets a pass for everything he does? I don't know. I do know that the man in the most powerful office in the world tweeted 60 times in a 3-hour period on Wednesday, including one jealously mocking a 16-year old girl, and there was nary a peep of condemnation from his supporters/enablers. He is clearly not fit for the job, he is clearly not doing his job ("executive time," anyone?)...why do we even have a 25th Amendment to the Constitution?

I could never have conceived of major political party reacting with a collective shrug at such an appalling lack of decency. If any older man bullied any teenage girl, mocked her disability (widely, and not for the first time), we'd surely condemn that man as an abhorrent beast. Not here. Not anymore.

I've read defenses of it that she's not a child, and that she's a public figure and has put herself out there to be a target. My questions shouldn't even need to be asked -- what did she do to be mocked? How could the most powerful man in the world think, even for a second before hitting the publish button, that publicly mocking the symptoms of a 16-year old Aspberger's sufferer is in any way appropriate? How could so many Americans and politicians and "Christians" not realize just how awful and unhinged this behavior is?

If it's not already clear, not even my Beatles-cleanse has been able to lift me out of the misery caused by #Individual1, a man so corrupt he would be in prison with his lawyer/fixer if not for the office he holds, and his seemingly growing cadre of shameless sycophants. The election across the pond only magnifies the despair.

While it's unlikely that 20 Republican Senators will find their way out of the manufactured obfuscating fog enveloping their side of he aisle to do their jobs and remove this lying, compromised, know-nothing, unstable moron from office, I have to hold out hope. The alternative -- a further emboldened buffoon and minions like Matt DUI Gaetz and Gym See No Evil Jordan -- is too grave to consider.

As with last Friday's 480 Minutes show there will be no debuts in the playlist today as we prepare for next week's year-end top music show. The  Friday 12/20 show will be all about the best music of 2019.

Today's show will be live-hosted from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. Time.  Do tune in and enjoy some live radio. Algorithms are great. Humans are better. Well, most humans, anyway. 

The show is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music and is then rebroadcast in its entirety beginning at 7 p.m. Friday,  5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, and one final time at 1 a.m. on Sunday. That is followed by a rebroadcast of this week's Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old 480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years (possibly previous year-end shows?!), making for hosted shows all weekend long.

For help with remembering when the live-hosted shows and re-runs air, check out the program schedule (which you can import into your favorite calendar program!) embedded here:

Tune in! somafm.com/bagel, plus SomaFM channels are available on many set top boxes and home audio systems as well as by voice command on many smart speakers.  Also, iOS users can also take advantage of the Shortcuts app to create a home screen button that will launch BAGeL Radio via a single touch or a simple Siri voice command. Open Shortcuts; search for SomaFM; select BAGeL Radio; unselect the "show when run" toggle to avoid the extra dialog box; give the shortcut a name; bingo!

The BAGeL Concert Finder gig calendar is tailored to the outstanding taste of BAGeL Radio listeners. Give it a try, it's really quite handy! http://bagelconcertfinder.com/

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours:
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with other listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com

480 Minutes / Year 15 - Episode 43/674

Sunday Is Rerun Day!


Fuzzy #250 - Impeach Fuzz