"480 Minutes" - Democratic Socialism

Of the 47 million Democrats running for president, Bernie Sanders is not my top choice. That said, I agree with much of his platform, so when I hear him labeled as a socialist or a communist I take personal offense. Not at the words, but at the speaker's idiocy, and it's worse when the speaker is a Democrat. You would think that in this political moment where the choice for president will be between a Democrat and a know-nothing cult leader who is undermining social democracy, Democrats might be a bit less self-destructive than to repeat counter-factual right-wing smears. Newsweek recently ran a solid, succinct primer on the differences between the three world views. If you hear friends and family mistake one for the other, please, share the article with them. Tell them you will read it to them and offer to bake or buy them some pie.

Oh, yeah, and happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate. For everyone else -- just hang in there,  hug your pets, and be thankful you yourself can eat the candy you buy...unless, like me, your tooth that was hollowed out 10-months ago is throbbing again, in which case you might want to skip the candy.

Between James Carville's idiocy/betrayal, the Department of Justice's fealty to the whims of a criminal administration, the mainstream media failure to adequately cover the gravity of that situation and naivete in repeating Bill Barr's play-acted "I will not be bullied by the *president" lie just after he plainly got bullied by the *president, plus it being Valentine's Day, plus having a massive toothache in a tooth that is not supposed to be able to feel anything, I don't think Peter in Huntington is going to enjoy today's commentary.

Today's show will be live-hosted from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. Time and feature new music by Caroline Rose (Burlington, VT/NYC, @CarolineRoseFM), Drakulas (Austin, TX, @draxtx), Frankie valet (St. Louis, MO), Nada Surf (NYC, @NadaSurf), Say Hi  (Seattle, WA, @EricElbogen), and Shopping (Glasgow/Los Angeles, @SH0PP1NG).

The marathon 8-hour show is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music and is then rebroadcast in its entirety beginning at 7 p.m. Friday,  5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday, and one final time at 1 a.m. on Sunday. That is followed by a rebroadcast of a Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old 480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, making for hosted shows all weekend long.

For help with remembering when the live-hosted shows and re-runs air, check out the program schedule (which you can import into your favorite calendar program!) embedded here:

The BAGeL Concert Finder gig calendar is a useful tool for finding out which BAGeL Radio artists are coming to town.  Visit. Type in your location. Select your desired search radius. Go enjoy live music! Bring friends! Make new friends!

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with other listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com

480 Minutes / Year 16 - Episode 6/681

Sunday Is Rerun Day!


Unplanned Fuzzy Rerun