“480 Minutes” - Fight For Democracy

Whatever your feelings are about Democrats, liberals, progressives, & others to the right of you on the political spectrum, please keep in mind: we are the ones standing the breach. We are the ones holding off the fascists & their chaos agents as they undermine representative democracy here in the U.S. & across the free world.

Remember learning about WWII & the concentration camps & the “Master Race” vs. the “Vermin” & wondering how average citizens allowed a madman to demonize & murder millions of their innocent neighbors, friends, & family members? We are watching it happen around us all over again. I implore you — get in the fight.

Stand against the rising tide of racism & injustice, even if it feels a bit icky to side with those of us who know that: women are autonomous beings with the absolute right to do what they want with their bodies; LGBTQ+ people are just that, people, equals, deserving of rights including the right to love who they choose; many of our fellow citizens are in need of our protection against an insidious, mostly religious-based culture of fear & hate; everyone deserves a roof over their head, sustenance, & healthcare; caustic criminal conman clowns should not be President.

Thank you.

Today’s live-hosted indie rock noise pop post-punk shoe gaze psych & garage rock show runs from 9am until 5pm Eastern U.S. Time & will feature a TON of new music by Alien Nosejob (Geelong, Australia, @Alien_Nosejob), Beirut (Berlin, Germany, @BeirutBand), Cheekface (Los Angeles, CA, @TheRealCheekFace), Common Goldfish (London, England, @Common.Goldfish), Echo Ladies (Malmö, Sweden, @EchoLadies), Pip Blom (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, @PipBlom), & Psychedelic Porn Crumpets (Perth, Australia, @PsychedelicPrnCrumpets).

Tune in & chat w/ fellow listeners during the live-hosted show over on Slack.

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"I Listen To" unisex heavy blend zip hoodie (back print only)

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (Fridays 9am-5pm ET):

e-mail: bagelradio (at) gmail (dot) com

Twitter: @bagelradio

Instagram: @bagelradioIG

facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)

chat with the DJ & fellow listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com


480 Minutes / Episode 854


Sunday Is Rerun Day


BAGeL Radio Air Play Charts