“480 Minutes” - Gut Feeling
Yes, I’m sad that my Yankees lost. The fact is they didn’t play well enough to deserve to win which oddly makes it easier to swallow.
In other news we have an election here in the US next Tuesday & your host trained to be a poll worker this year, so next Tuesday the Fuzzy Road radio show will be a rerun.
Speaking of the election, I have a gut feeling that Vice President Harris is going to roll Convicted Felon Trump. If that feeling proves correct & she squashes him underfoot like the disgusting maggot he is, we’re probably safe. There may still be annoying shenanigans, but nothing too dangerous. If that decisive victory for democracy doesn’t happen & the results are at all close, however…there will be chaos. Several states where the GOP has installed MAGA election deniers into important electoral positions (Georgia & Arizona, amongst others) will refuse to certify their vote if it does not go their way. Evidence-free challenges will again be made & it will be up to courts at the state & federal level to block Coup 2 starring Garbage DonOld. If said courts fail & this mess ends up in front of the Supremely Compromised Court, well…I’d rather not think about that right now. Capacitatea mea de a vorbi limba română pentru testul de cetățenie nu este pregătită pentru prime time fără ajutorul Google Translate.
Music debuting today will include new 🎵 by Chinese American Bear (Seattle, WA, @ChineseAmericanBear), congratulations (Brighton, England, @CongratulationsUnofficial), Naked Roommate (Berkeley, CA, @Naked_Roommate), Thus Love (Brattleboro, VT, @ThusLoveMusic), Tombstones In Their Eyes (Los Angles, CA, @TombstonesInTheirEyes), & Yellow Pills (Chicago, IL, @YellowPillsMusic).
The show will be rebroadcast in its entirety on Friday evening beginning at 7 p.m., Saturday at 5 a.m. & 3 p.m., & Sunday at 1 a.m. ET.
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Teri Garr (1944-2024). 😢
480 Minutes / Episode 897