“480 Minutes” - The Dog Ate His ‘Standing Order’

The congressional Republicans complaining that it’s not “fair” for the government to help people by forgiving their student loan debt all thought a $2 trillion tax cut which overwhelmingly benefited the rich & giant profitable corporations, doubled the deficit, & will raise taxes on the majority of Americans this decade was “fair.” I don’t think they know what the word “fair” means.

Key points, compared:

2017 Trump/GOP Tax Scam

- more than half of middle-class families in America get a tax increase

- 83% of the tax cuts go to the top 1% of Americans

- every single income group below $75,000 will see a tax increase by 2027

2022 Biden/Democratic Student Loan Forgiveness

- benefits households making $125,000 a year & below

- 90% of eligible beneficiaries make under $75,000

- improves the financial security of tens of millions

Which seems more “fair” to you?

One of the main reasons college education is so insanely expensive today is that Ronald Reagan & his GOP were afraid that the expansion of higher education thanks to things like The GI Bill would create the grave danger of the “educated proletariat” so they starved public coffers forcing states to charge for public education putting it out of reach of many.

Actual Reagan quotes: “They are spoiled and don't deserve the education they are getting” and “[the state] should not subsidize intellectual curiosity.” And there you have it — the beginnings of the right’s longstanding war on higher education in a nutshell. They know that those who know about the world are more likely see through “pull yourself up by your boot straps” to the base cruelty & systemic inequities such slogans mask than the Fox-lobotomized.

As we approach episode #800 of the 480 Minutes show (Friday 9/9/22) & 20 years of BAGeL Radio (Wednesday 2/1/23) , please consider diverting some of your entertainment dollars here to help keep us on the air & commercial-free. You can make a one-time tax-deductible (for U.S. listeners) donation, set up a recurring donation, and/or buy BAGeL Radio merch, it is all appreciated & it all helps. Thank you.

Next Friday kicks off Labor Day weekend here in the U.S. so there will not be a new episode of 480 Minutes on Friday, 9/2/22, the programming will consist of all reruns all weekend).

Today’s show will feature new music by three bands with caps-lock issues, CLAMM (Melbourne, Australia, @CLAMMband), LIFE (Hull, England, @LifeBandUK), & THICK (Brooklyn, NY, @ThickInBrooklyn), plus bands with other issues including The Chats (Sunshine Coast, Australia, @TheChatsBand), Ezra Furman (Chicago, IL, @EzraFurman), Faux Canada (San Francisco, CA, @FauxCanadaMusic), The Mountain Goats (North Carolina, @MountainGoats), Oneida (Brooklyn, NY, @Oneida_Official), Pixy Jones (Resolven, Wales, @PixyJOnes), & Stockhausen & The Amplified Riot (Houston, TX, @stockandtar).

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480 Minutes / Year 18 - Episode 32/799 (overall)


Sunday Is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #356 - Chasing Paper