“480 Minutes” - Govern Vs Rule Vs Chaos

A note before we get started: next Thursday here in the U.S. is Thanksgiving. It is the holiday during which more Americans travel than any other. The Friday after the holiday is a day off for most, so few are home, few are in offices, so there has never been a 480 Minutes show on that Friday. I don’t expect that to change this year.

We now return to your regularly scheduled political rant…

After months of running ads on inflation while offering no solutions, & ads on crime, again with no solutions beyond “more guns more guns more guns!” the GOP now has control the House, so they are going to unveil their plans to get *terrifying crime hellscapes like NYC under control & fix global inflation, right. Not so fast. They have more important things to do! Their first announcements were not about tackling inflation, or crime but about…investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop. As if we didn’t already know this, they have no idea how to govern nor any desire to. They want to create chaos & noise to distract from disastrously unpopular policies like #ForcedBirth, cutting social security, banning books, & criminalizing contraception. The more dust they kick up the harder it is to see the insane conspiracy theories subscribed to be the House Free Dumb Caucus. The wilder the circus the less the news & the citizenry will pay attention to their support of things like an #insurrection against the U.S. government & being A-OK with blackmailing Ukraine for political gain.

*Anyone willing to look up the numbers knows that NYC is not even in the top 20 U.S. cities in terms of crime rate, while 5 of the top 10 are in the midwest where “real Americans” live.

Buckle up, people, it’s going to be a hell of a next two years, especially with #BenedictOrange pretending to run for president. (Hint: he’s trying to shield himself from prosecution & trying to bilk the Fox-lobotomized #MAGA millions for tens of millions more in “campaign contributions.” The hate & grievance army continues slouching towards #ScoobyCoup.

This week I watched a “respectable conservative” on the PBS Newshour admit that the self-proclaimed #StableGenius is delusional while also professing his support for #DonTheCon to be president again. In the same breath. He wasn’t joking.

Today during our marathon live-hosted 480 Minutes program which runs from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. time we will debut tons of new music including songs by Evolfo (Brooklyn, NY, @EvolfoMusic), Jobber (Brooklyn, NY, @JobberTheBand), King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard (Melbourne, Australia, @KingGizzard), Personal Trainer (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, @PersonalTrainerTheBand), & Rob Munk (Montclair, NJ, @RobMunkMusic).

Tune in & meet fellow members of our listening community in the chat room during the live-hosted show.

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480 Minutes / 2022 Episode 42/Overall Episode 809


Sunday Is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #367 - Fuzz Factory