“480 Minutes” - Cinco de Cinco

Please help Fox-lobotomized America find it’s way back to the reality-based community. Read the news, gain an understanding of what’s going on beyond the headlines. U.S. media is mostly owned by corporations who (a) benefit from conflict so they push the salacious & the bloody & the outrageous & leave out both context & relevance. Check media you don’t trust from time to time to get a sense of what toxic masculinity masquerading as patriotism or righteousness is coming down the pike.

If you hear a friend or lover or relative or co-worker or teammate or bus driver parroting a conspiracy theory or saying “I heard this & it kinda sounds plausible” ask them to share with you the evidence of this theory. You don’t even necessarily have to debunk the evidence since it will likely not bear up well under repetition, much less under scrutiny. but asking about it may well make the person sharing the bullshit realize they are sharing bullshit. Once you get a couple of those a-ha moments don’t gloat, just foster the idea that the person might want to seek out news sources besides the ones that tried to convince them of things that aren’t true but which advance an agenda. A white male-centric faux-Christian agenda.

Today’s marathon live-hosted 480 Minutes program runs from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. time will debut new music by GUM (Perth, Australia, @Jay.W.Watson), Para Lia (Berlin, Germany, @ParaLia.Music), Protomartyr (Detroit, MI, @ProtomartyrBand), & RVG (Preston, Australia, @RVG____).

Tune in & hang w/ fellow members of our listening community in the chat room during the live-hosted show.

Search for BAGeL Radio bands performing near you with the BAGeLConcertFinder.com gig finder tool. Select your location, desired search radius, & voila: a list of gigs you might actually be interested in attending!

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule which you can import into your favorite digital calendar. If you prefer the unhosted radio, add this calendar to your calendar so you’ll know when to not tune in.

Please help keep us on the air & commercial-free by making a tax-deductible donation to our non-profit organization, BAGeL Radio Association, Inc., or pick something from our shop like our new 480 Minutes long-sleeve t-shirt. There’s still time to order one for Mother’s Day (May 14th here in the U.S.)!

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (Fridays 9am-5pm ET):

e-mail: bagelradio (at) gmail (dot) com

Twitter: @bagelradio

Instagram: @bagelradioIG

facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)

chat with the DJ & fellow listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com



480 Minutes / 2023 Episode 16/Overall Episode 829


Sunday Is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #385 - Fly The Fuzzy Skies