“480 Minutes” - Another Flood (of great new music)

Lyric of the week:

There's an AR-15 in your house it's got one job to do
It's to quickly kill as many things that you want it to
But god forbid we take action to keep our children safe
As our ego stands in center stage another life it takes

-Bully, "All This Noise”

To kick off Pride Month, please read this & share it widely. We can all learn from this author, & from this anecdote in particular.

Today’s live-hosted indie rock noise pop post-punk shoe gaze psych & garage rock show runs from 9am until 5pm Eastern U.S. Time & will feature another TON of new music including songs by AJJ (Phoenix, AZ, @AJJTheBand), Alex Lahey (Australia, @Alex_Lahey), Bully (Nashville, TN, @BullyTheMusic),The Damned (London, England, @TheDamnedOfficial), Demob Happy (Newcastle via Brighton, England, @DemobHappy), Floodlights (Naarm/Melbourne, Australia, @floodlights___), The Murlocs (Melbourne, Australia, @TheMurlocs), Sparks (Los Angeles, CA, @SparksOfficial), & Spoon (Austin, TX, @SpoonTheBand).

Tune in & hang w/ fellow members of our listening community in the chat room during the live-hosted show.

Search for BAGeL Radio bands performing near you with the BAGeLConcertFinder.com gig finder tool. Select your location, desired search radius, & voila: a list of gigs you might actually be interested in attending!

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule which you can import into your favorite digital calendar. If you prefer the unhosted radio, add this calendar to your calendar so you’ll know when to not tune in.

Please help keep us on the air & commercial-free by making a tax-deductible donation or choosing something from our shop like the ice cold (which is cooler than cool) black & white Cult of Ted t-shirt.

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (Fridays 9am-5pm ET):

e-mail: bagelradio (at) gmail (dot) com

Twitter: @bagelradio

Instagram: @bagelradioIG

facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)

chat with the DJ & fellow listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com


480 Minutes / 2023 Episode 19/Overall Episode 832


Sunday Is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #387 - Fuzz Alley