“480 Minutes” - Mango-Banana Republic

This week a former president of the United States was indicted on 37 federal counts including espionage. There are audio recordings of him admitting to knowingly possessing sensitive, classified documents. All of the trial (pun intended) balloon excuses Traitor Don floated after the FBI searched his Florida retirement home to retrieve the missing documents were prima facie bullshit, & these recordings show that on top of that he instructed his lawyers to lie to the National Archive & FBI saying he’d returned everything. This is textbook obstruction of justice, another of the charges against him.

There are photos of the documents in public spaces in the retirement home including a bathroom & a ballroom, in some cases with documents spilling out of their boxes.

What’s worse than all of this is that he & Fox News have so thoroughly poisoned the minds of about 1/4 of Americans & 1/2 of Congress that they continue to support him despite these recordings clearly showing he was & is lying & that he cavalierl put our national security & quite possibly the national security of our allies at risk & shows no remorse for his actions.

Those craven sycophants who know better & Fox-lobotomized who don’t make the once mighty United States of America appear to be a Mango-hued banana republic. Sad.

Today’s live-hosted indie rock noise pop post-punk shoe gaze psych & garage rock show runs from 9am until 5pm Eastern U.S. Time & will feature new music by Allah-Lahs (Los Angeles, CA, @AllahLas), Echo Ladies (Malmo, Sweden, @EchoLadies), Martin Frawley (Melbourne, Australia, @Martin_Frawley), Queens of the Stone Age (Joshua Tree, CA, @QueensOfTheStoneAge), Squid (London, England, @SquidBandUK), Thank (Leeds, England, @ThankLeeds), Vulture Feather (Hayfork, CA, @Vulture_Feather), The Wedding Present (Leeds, England, @WeddingPresent), & Wombo (Louisville, KY, @WomboRocks).

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480 Minutes / 2023 Episode 21/Overall Episode 834


Sunday Is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #389 - Fuzzy Rum