“480 Minutes” - GOP Implodes; No One Notices

  • CNN (aka FOX-lite) has catalogued 12 made-up stories the felonious GOP candidate for president has told in the last month. Just the last month. That man is so creative!

  • The felon’s sidekick defended the practice of making up stories & pretending they are true. He spread a false, unsourced internet rumor about a city in his home state. His boss then repeated the false story to a national television audience of 70 million. The lies have wrought havoc on the 50,000 residents of Columbus, Ohio including: school closings, bomb threats (which Trump refused to condemn!), hate, division, & misperceptions of the city which will long outlive this moment in history…

  • Several of “Maga’s most influential voices are fiftysomething white men with formative experiences in apartheid South Africa.”

  • The GOP candidate for Governor in North Carolina Mark Robinson has said some incredibly awful things in public, including wanting to go back to an America where women can’t vote. Despite this the felonious GOP candidate for President has glowingly referred to him as someone “better than MLK, like MLK on steroids!” Then yesterday it came out that the virulently anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-suffrage family values conservative isn’t quite the family values conservative he plays on TV. The NC GOP is sticking with Robinson as their candidate for governor. We’ll see what happens after Trump is asked about him tomorrow and says, “I’ve never met the guy & I know nothing about him.”

Today’s playlist additions will include new 🎵 by Cassie Ramone (Brooklyn, NY, @CassieRamone), Ceylon Sailor (Brooklyn, NY, @Ceylon.Sailor), Feeling Figures (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, @FeelingFigures), Leonids (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, @LeonidsTO), Nada Surf (New York, NY, @NadaSurfOfficial), Tanukichan (Oakland, CA, @TanukichanMusic), & The Waeve (London, England, @TheWaeveOfficial).

The show will be rebroadcast in its entirety on Friday evening beginning at 7 p.m., Saturday at 5 a.m. & 3 p.m., and Sunday at 1 a.m. ET.

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480 Minutes / Episode 892


Fuzzy #442 - Dusty Fuzz