BAGeL Radio

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480 Minutes - The Season of The Switch

Baseball season is officially over for me, I am boycotting the NFL over the owners' decision to punish players for non-violently protesting police brutality, which leaves hockey. This is the season of the sports switch for me. Sadly, my team on the ice, the New York Islanders, has won a single solitary playoff series since Bill Clinton initially blew his sax into the oval office, and due to a major management faux pas, it doesn't look like that will change any time soon. You see, the team decided last year to trust that their best player in the last year of his contract, about to become an unrestricted free agent, would re-sign with them after the season. Respecting his wishes, they did not trade him for prospects or draft picks, they let him play out the season in the only NHL jersey he has ever worn. After the season he opted to leaf (sic) and go play for the team he rooted for as a child, so the Isles lost a top-tier talent without compensation. The good news is the management fools responsible for this colossal mistake lost their jobs. The bad news is that even with this top-tier player on the team last season they allowed the most goals in the league and failed to even make the playoffs. That makes it hard to be optimistic about this year's edition, but I'm going to try.

Meanwhile in Georgia the white guy Secretary of State Brian Kemp has been systematically disenfranchising voters, mostly people of color. Dude has purged 1.4M voters from the rolls in recent years in preparation for his run for Governor this year. Georgia only has about 6M voters, so that's roughly 20% of the population disenfranchised. The Party of Lincoln, indeed.

Today's BAGeL Radio debuts will include new music today from Art D'Ecco (Gulf Islands, British Columbia, @ArtDeccoMsic), Broncho (Tulsa, OK, @bronchoband),  Cursive (Omaha, NE, @cursivetheband), Exit Group (Berlin, Germany),  Girlpool (Los Angeles, CA, @girlpoolband), GØGGS (Los Angeles, CA),  Luicidal (Venice, CA, @ogluicidal), and  Menace Beach (Leeds, England, @menace_beach).

Also, SomaFM has brand new Halloween-y gold/orange and purple t-shirts featuring a 4-armed robot DJ in stock, as well as (fanfare please!) BAGeL Radio fridge magnet and sticker packs!

The show is live-hosted from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time and is followed by 2 hours of uninterrupted music.  The show is then rebroadcast in it's entirety beginning at 7 p.m., then again on Saturday at 5 a.m. and 3 p.m., and one final time on Sunday at 1 a.m., followed by a rebroadcast of this week's  Fuzzy Road radio show at 11 a.m. and then a couple of old  480 Minutes episodes from this week in past years, so there will be hosted shows all weekend long.

Tune in!

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480 Minutes / Year 14 - Episode 40 / Episode #622 overall