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According to a friend in Manhattan, part of Central Park look like a typical Sunday afternoon -- packed with people, little if any social distancing. A friend in Brooklyn reports, "Brooklyn is a shit show. Everyone is going to take each other out. Prospect Park is perpetually like sunny summer day packed." Please don't be like these modern day dipshit Typhoid Marys. If you need to go outdoors please do so responsibly -- that is, wearing a face mask, try not to touch common surfaces, try not to touch your face, and maintain physical distance. There is precious little we can do about the clueless, selfish people out there, but we can do our best to protect ourselves and our loved ones -- thank you for being part of the solution.
Tune in for another other all-new live-hosted Fuzzy Road radio show today! (personal) Day 33 of sheltering in place!
Our psych and garage rock show is *live-hosted* on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern U.S. Time, with re-broadcasts beginning at 11 p.m. Tuesday, 5 a.m. Wednesday, and 11 a.m. Sunday (all times Eastern U.S.) -- new psych and garage rock, original psych and garage rock, and all the fuzziness in between. Fuzzy #261 - Fuzz and Fools