"480 Minutes" - Preparing For The End...

...of the year, sillies. Sheesh. Why so gloomy, y'all?

OK, maybe dark humor isn't what we need right now. What we do need is great fucking music, and fortunately music did not hear that 2020 was supposed to suck in every possible way. Indie rock and noisy pop bucked the trend and delivered.

This has become more and more obvious as I wade back through the new stuff we added to rotation in 2020. It was fewer overall than usual, and submissions were down for the year, but that's not shocking considering pandemic/lockdown/UV light inside the body, inside/LIBERATE! tweets/USPS sabotage/super spreader rallies political and motorcycle/frivolous law suits to appease the Snowflake-In-Chief/petulance/DOD sabotage/out-the-door grifting/attempted clown coup in progress which will surely fail and also serve to poison the minds of millions of young Tom Cottons and millions of not-so-young Tom Cotton wannabes. That's a lot to overcome!

Today's show is live-hosted from 9am-5pm Eastern U.S. Time and once again features no new music as we take some time away from evaluating new releases to look back at the all the new music we aired this year, listen to it with fresh ears, and decide on our favorites. Our lists of favorites will be revealed next Friday, 12/18/20, during our year-end top-music edition of 480 Minutes featuring a countdown of the top 50 songs of the year plus about 5 hours worth of runners' up.

Consider buying holiday gifts from local businesses and small businesses who have had it tough this year and may not be able to hang on without your support. SomaFM is a small business, so please consider gifts from our store, for example the all-new official SomaFM BAGeL Radio t-shirt or the tres cool SomaFM cocktail glasses:


Fantastic gift items aboun at the link above, and as an added bonus each purchase helps keep us on the air and commercial-free.

You can also support SomaFdM with a one-time donation of any amount, or a recurring donation of any amount, to help us cover the costs of royalties and bandwidth and equipment everything else it takes to run 30+ internet radio stations:


Tune in and chat with other members of our new music-loving community on Slack. Also if you'd like to join us for our Saturday Zoom chat (5pm ET), send me an e-mail and I'll add you to the invite list.

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule, which you can import into your favorite calendar program, embedded here:

Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com

480 Minutes / Year 16 - Episode 46/721


Sunday is Rerun Day


Fuzzy #286 - Fuzz on Toast