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"480 Minutes" - BAGeL Radio Top Music of 2021
Today's show is all about 2021 -- tune in to BAGeL Radio today to hear our top songs of 2021
"480 Minutes" - New Site! More Tickets!
8 hours of live-hosted indie rock noise pop AND a ticket giveaway AND a new website? Sign me up!
"480 Minutes" - Ticket Giveaway
8 hours of live-hosted indie rock noise pop AND a ticket giveaway? Sign me up!
"480 Minutes" - Plea For Web Help
Today we will debut new music including songs by Cy Dune (Los Angeles, CA, @CyDuneSounds), Five Pence Game (San Sebastian, Spain, @FivePenceGame) IDLES(Bristol, England, @IdlesBand), Mandy, Indiana (Manchester, England) @MandyIndiana), and Pip Blom (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, @PipBlom).
"480 Minutes" - Doomscrolling Is Back!
Today we will debut new music by Acid Dad (Brooklyn, NY, @AcidDad666), Anthonie Tonnon (Whanganui, New Zealand, @AnthonieTonnon), Fernet Underground (Oulu, Finland), The Goon Sax (Brisbane, Australia, @TheGoonSax), and what I believe may be the U.S. debut of the brilliant new single by Erica Nockalls (England, @EricaNockalls), video below.
"480 Minutes" - Boeing
Today we will debut new music by Dead Anyway (Gloucestershire, England, @anyway_dead), Holiday Ghosts (Fallmouth, England, @holidayghosts), The Murlocs (Melbourne, Australia, @TheMurlocs), Snapped Ankles (London, England, @SnappedAnkles), plus a re-release from Snowglobe (Memphis, TN).