"480 Minutes" - The Lost Cause

Happy New Year!

2021 started off OK with the vaccines providing hope, then the two Democrats ("a black guy & a Jew walk into a bar...") defeating the lying cheating traitor-enabling incumbent Georgia senators, and then...2020 was re-animated by a hypodermic needle of adrenaline to the heart. POTUS rallied his brownshirt (and in some notable cases, brown fur-wearing) mob with the same election lies he's been telling and Republicans politicians have been echoing and facilitating. As he did with his "LIBERATE MICHIGAN" tweet in May, Dear Leader sicced #Cult45 on a clear target, and once again his Fox-lobotomized followers responded with despicable attacks on democracy and the rule of law. In the middle of the siege, obviously under pressure to quell his arson, he released a video telling the seditious vandals to go home in peace and "we love you" while also doubling down on the very lies that incited the violence.

Much of the overseas coverage of the POTUS-incited seditious riot has been devastating to U.S. standing and democracy in general around the globe. Reagan's "shining city on a hill" myth was exploded in a mindless rush of red hats, Confederate flags, and Nazi hoodies. Russian, Chinese, and Iranian TV righteously mocked our hypocrisy, showing video of deluded anti-mask face-painters breaking into the Capitol, showing members of congress hiding under desks and in basement offices, showing POTUS and his enablers egging on the armed vandals and blythely repeating the incendiary bs that created the mess in the first place. This week the U.S. ceded the moral high ground we once had to speak out and act against "dictators who kill their own people," violent authoritarian crackdowns, and of course to advise on how to conduct elections.

Not sure if it was my mood this week or what but of the 400+ song submissions I made it through this week I found exactly no songs that made me think, "hey, I like this, and I think others will, too," so I'm not sure what today's show will focus on, but I do know that it won't be new music.

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480 Minutes / Year 17 - Episode 1/723


Sunday is Rerun Day


Happy New Year!