"480 Minutes" - I've Not Slept In About 4 Days!

It's true. Bad week for sleep here in BAGeLandia, and sadly the reason I've not slept for about four days is neither the same nor nearly as much fun as that of the protagonist of the great Art Brut song, "Brand New Girlfriend." Watching democracy die is a lot more stressful than I thought it would be.

All those extra hours awake gave me plenty of time to listen to the bajillion songs submitted this week. Sadly all bajillion of them sucked. Like really sucked. Like early January release level sucked. I jest, of course -- there were...like...four good ones.

Today's show will feature those four good new songs received this week including ones by Django Django (London, England, @TheDjangos), Dry Cleaning (London, England), and Miesha and the Spanks (Calgary, Alberta, Canada, @MAndTheSpanks).

If you are in a position to do so please support SomaFM with a one-time donation of any amount, or a recurring donation of any amount, to help us cover the costs of royalties and bandwidth and equipment everything else it takes to run 30+ commercial-free internet radio stations:


Tune in and chat with other members of our music discovery-loving community on Slack during the live-hosted hours. Also, if you'd like to join us for our Saturday Zoom chat (5pm ET), send me an e-mail and I'll add you to the invite list.

Keep track of BAGeL Radio's live-hosted shows and re-runs with our handy dandy program schedule, which you can import into your favorite calendar program, embedded here:



Contact the DJ during the live-hosted show hours (9am-5pm ET):
e-mail: ted(at)somafm.com
Twitter: @bagelradio
facebook.com/bagelradio/ (comments only, no FB messenger, sorry)
chat with fellow listeners: https://internet-radio-slack.herokuapp.com

480 Minutes / Year 17 - Episode 6/728


Sunday Is Rerun Day!


Fuzzy #292 - Fuzzuary